About the VPN Service Provider:
proXPN has started offering VPN service since 2009; its services include creating a secure, encrypted tunnel through which all of the online data passes back and forth.
VPN / IP Adresses from: The Company operates its servers in four different countries: USA , Singapore, the Netherlands and the UK.
Unblocking & security: The security feature of the proXPN is that it keeps the web browser, email, other messaging programs and other online activity hidden. Its server location can be found in Dallas, Seattle, London, Singapore, Los Angeles, New York City and Amsterdam. It offers a basic free trial account. Filesharing is not welcomed by ProXPN, if you want to use bittorrent or other p2p technologies, get a VPN Provider from www.torrentvpn.org.
Free VPN Trial Account at PROXPN: VPN Trial Account Offer 2013: proXPN offers basic accounts free of charge with a full feature set.